Monday, May 18, 2009

Cyrus Robert Depp Joins Our Family!

It was 10am on a Sunday morning, May 17th in the huge
city of Istanbul, Turkey, when a mother, father, grandmother
and grandfather traveled a few blocks away to the local
hospital in the region of Acibadem. Their goal that day
was to welcome into the world a little baby boy. The
mother was anxious and very large. They were all very
happy that the delivery date had arrived.
Things were going rather slowly that day for the baby's
delivery. Kit and Mary Ann walked up the street and had
lunch sitting outside at a KFC...Yes, it was really The
Colonel's chicken restaurant!
We waited all day and many hours during the evening.
Finally at 11:06 pm, Cyrus Robert Depp arrived to become
the youngest member of our family. He weighed in at
9 lbs. 1 oz and was 20 in. long. We knew that he was going
to be a big boy, but not that big! Cyrus and Jenny had a
long, hard day, but finally the joy did arrive!

Look at that head of black hair!

Such a sweet little lamb!

Cyrus Robert Depp

Jenny and Cyrus

He eats, sleeps and does all those other normal things!

Mom and her son...

Jenny, Cyrus and Matt

Matt and Cyrus - The proud father!

Gran and Cyrus - Proud grandmother!
Proud Grandfather - Kit and Cyrus
With his tongue out, he's ready to eat!
This is Cyrus, but looks so much like Addi when she was born!
My mittens are on so I won't scratch my face!
Our Cyrus!

Gran and Grandad had the privilege of bringing Addi and
Maddox, the big sister and big brother, to see their baby
brother, Cyrus, for the first time on Monday. Here is
Addi holding Cyrus! She is a great helper to Mom and
loves this baby brother!

Here's a proud Maddox holding his new baby brother! He
was so excited about seeing Cyrus!

Addi and Jenny at the hospital.

Matt helps Maddox to hold Cyrus carefully.

Cyrus swaddled and asleep in his little crib at the hospital.

Another look at that head of black hair!

What a beautiful family!!!

Addi caring for Cyrus

Addi rubbing Cyrus sweet head!

You can easily see why this baby boy weighed 9.1 lbs.!!!

Look at those strong legs!

Maddox helping Mom with Cyrus

Addi, Grandad and Maddox...watching a DVD on the laptop.
Actually, Grandad is resting his eyes! He and Gran were
pretty tired after the late night when Cyrus was born.


Emily Cole said...

Congratulations!!!! He's a gorgeous boy, of course! Jenny looks wonderful - such a happy time!

JaclynJohnson said...

He does look so much like Addi did as a newborn! Congrats to all you guys!