Monday, May 25, 2009

More of Our Trip Across The Bosphorus Strait

Here are more pictures that were taken on the day when
we were pursuing the passport for Cyrus.
This was not the boat that we were on, but one that is
very similar. There are many of them and they are destined
to specific ports. There are numerous ports.
Matt, Jenny, Cyrus and Addi on the boat
Maddox on the boat

There were many beautiful, historic buildings along the
waterfront as we cruised. Castles, mosques, palaces built
long ago, some in modern times.
One of many mosques in the city of Istanbul
One view of the many terra-cotta tiled rooftops of apartment

This is an illegal picture taken before I knew that I was
not to take pictures! This is the US Consolate building
where Jenny and Matt pursued a passport for Cyrus.

We saw these two huge cruise ships on our way back
across the strait.

1 comment:

Emily Cole said...

Great photos!!! I hope Jenny is doing well traveling around so much with the new little one! Why weren't you supposed to be taking pictures? It looks beautiful there!