Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our Day in Boone 5-0-09

We left the house early on Saturday morning making our
way to Boone, NC. We planned to spend some time with
Adam before leaving for our trip overseas. Also, we wanted
to see Melissa on this special day, her graduation from ASU
was scheduled for 4:30 pm. We are so proud of her!
Here is a silly Kit as we were sitting in the car waiting for
Adam to meet us in Deep Gap. Our morning mission was
to scout out some land with mountain cabins for a possible
investment. Kit did his research online, had some places
for us to find to see what kind of cabin and land that you
get for the money. Adam wanted to go with us as we
explored the area between Deep Gap and West Jefferson.
Adam followed us in his truck to various places because he
had Kiya with him. He didn't want her dog hair all over our
car! We drove and drove, enjoying the beautiful mountains,
the South Fork of the New River, some gorgeous, expensive
homes, but we found none of the specific areas that Kit had
listed!! At one of our stops to get information, Kiya waited
patiently in Adam's truck for his return. She is such a sweet
dog! She posed for me in numerous ways and I couldn't resist
taking her picture each time. So forgive me for the
multiple pictures of Kiya!
Notice the beads around Kiya's neck along with her collar?
She was wearing that wonderful ASU black and gold to
celebrate Melissa's graduation day!

Isn't she sweet! I love this pose!

This is cute too. And believe me, she wasn't trying to get
out. She just wanted to be closer to Adam!
Kiya has her eyes on something in the distance!

Adam and Kiya...Adam's head is tilted due to Kiya striving
to give him a sloppy kiss!
We tried the pose once again...but Kiya is full of love for
Adam. So once again, if he got close enough for the picture,
he was going to get a Kiya kiss!
One of the nice mountain homes that we saw, but not the
one we were looking for!

Another fairly nice house. I didn't get pictures of some of
the really expensive, beautiful homes...that we would only
look at and admire...never buy!
Maybe we could afford something like this one...NAH!

After our exploration, we went to Melissa's apartment.
Her sister and parents were there. The girls looked
beautiful in their summer dresses. We traveled to Blowing
Rock for a graduation celebration lunch at Glidewell's.
Mmmmm! The food was delicious! We enjoyed getting to
know James and Teresa Edwards, Melissa's parents. We
also enjoyed meeting Emily, her sister. They are both
beautiful young women. The picture above is of Emily,
Melissa and Adam.

James, Teresa and Emily having conversation. What a
wonderful family.

Melissa and Adam posed for pictures outside the restaurant
after our lunch.

Melissa and Adam again.

Emily and Melissa...Aren't they beautiful!

The Edwards Family

Kit, Mary Ann, Melissa and Adam
We drove Adam and Melissa back to Melissa's apartment
and said our goodbyes. We couldn't stay until the 4:30 pm
graduation. We needed to get home, change clothes and
drive to Ramseur for a funeral visitation. A good, dear
friend of ours died last week. More about him in the next
blog entry.

Love those beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains!

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