Monday, May 25, 2009

Enjoying The Depp Family

Last Friday night Addi was invited to a birthday party.
The theme was Pirates of the Carribean. My son-in-law
is so creative and designed a great pirate costume for

Notice the 'hook' on Addi's right hand!!! She had a great
time at the party and brought lots of candy home for
herself and Maddox. In this picture you can see in
the background, Cyrus's bassinet, where he sleeps.
This same evening, Jenny got a phone call sharing
that Cyrus's bilirubin level was too high,he was very
jaundiced. So Jenny, Cyrus, Missy and I wentback to
the hospital. Thank goodness Missy knew her
Turkish language and helped with the understanding of
what needed to be done. Jenny was in tears as she had
to hand Cyrus over to the nurse in the nursery. Cyrus had
to have 12 hours of light therapy. Jenny didn't want to
leave him at the hospital overnight, so the two of us stayed
there, resting when we could in the chairs provided in the
hallway. We didn't sleep much. Jenny was allowed to nurse
Cyrus every three hours and was thankful to get to hold him
then. His bilirubin level did come down and we were able to
take him home on Sat. around 11am. Jenny and I were so
tired and happy to be home. We were so grateful that
Cyrus was better too.

Here's Cyrus after we got home from the hospital.
Cyrus sleeps, eats, pees and poops, then the cycle starts
all over again! I was lucky to catch him with his eyes
open in this picture. So far, the eyes are still a dark blue.
Almost one week old! He's such a good baby!

On Sunday we rode the bus to meet a friend, Rob. We then
got into a mini-van taxi to take us to a really big park.
The guys played basketball while Jenny, the children and
I enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather. There were several
playground areas that Addi and Maddox enjoyed.

Addi and Maddox on the slide.

Down Maddox goes!
Addi and Maddox in action on the slide.
Addi on the steps

Maddox riding the bike

Look at that stride! Go Addi!
The children strive to ride the bike, doing the exercise in
their own way!

Cyrus enjoyed sleeping while at the park!

And once we were back home...So far, this child is not too

Sleeping peacefully
Addi watching a movie...must be a serious part.
Maddox is serious about it too! We had a busy day this
day and we all had a good time.

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