Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Istanbul Archaeology Museum

Last week, Jenny, Cyrus, Kit and I went once again
to the European side of Istanbul to visit the Istanbul
Museum of Archaeology. It is known as one of the
best in the world. I forgot my camera this day and
was very unhappy about it. So I pulled some pictures
from the internet to at least have a history noted about
this day.

Entrance to the museum
This doesn't show the entire building, but just one
of the front step entrances. This is a huge museum
that contains many old artifacts.
One item that we had read about was the Alexander
Sarcophagus. We had read about it and thought that
this was the burial coffin of Alexander the Great. Once
we saw it, we admired the beautiful carvings on the
sides. Then we read the sign that said that some King
was actually buried in the coffin! For many years they
thought that it was Alexander the Great, but that was
a mistake. The carvings around the outside depict
many battles of Alexander, therefore, the reason for
the mistake.
There were many old artifacts outside the museum.
This one is a Christian sarcophagus.

The museum also has a Children's Museum. This
replica of The Trojan Horse stands at the entrance.
Troy, where the epic occurs, is located not too far
from Istanbul. It is quite a historical area which is
still under excavation. It is too far for us to visit,
but maybe someday!

This is the head sarcophagus of Sidonian King Tabnit,
It had previously belonged to an Egyptian General.
I guess that they reused these things long ago?????

The skeleton of King Tabnit! Yes, this was on display
and we really saw it. Weird for us, but I guess that
Dr. Brennan on the TV show "Bones" would love it!
This is a kiosk of tiled artifacts from Sultan Mehmet
the Conqueror, 1472. We didn't go inside, but I'm sure
that all of the tiles were beautiful.
This museum also had a floor totally devoted to artifacts
discovered at Troy during various periods of time. All
of these old, historical relics were impressive.

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