Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Day in Istanbul

The flowers in Istanbul are beautiful. The roses have really
caught my eye in that once they open, they are huge! This
rose bush is near where we are living with Jenny and Matt.

Here is a close-up view of one rose. The rose bushes are
many different colors, just like at home. On Sunday, there
is a vegetable, plant and flower market nearby. It is so
This is the backside of the apartment building where we
are living right now. There are various guest houses used
by those who come to Istanbul for medical care.
One day we walked to a nearby park, not the same one that
is located behind Jenny's apartment. The kids enjoy playing
here. It was a little cool this day in the morning, but got warmer
as the day passed along. Addi enjoyed climbing up into the
tree house.
Maddox loves to swing! Kit pushed him for a long time!

There are a number of slides too and Addi really enjoys

What a sweet, cute boy! Maddox loves the "train" in this
part of the park.

Addi and Maddox posing for a picture on the train.

Grandad went for a ride also! He's just a big kid at heart!
Addi and Maddox enjoying the slide.

This is a mosque near the port down by the Bosphorus Strait.
We attempted to make this special trip three times!! We
walked to catch a bus that took us to the port. Then we
rode a big boat across the Bosphorus.
Another view of the port area. This trip was special in that
we were going to the American Consolate to apply for a
passport for Cyrus. Once we got to the European side of
Istanbul, we took a long taxi ride. The US building is very
impressive! We were so happy with the success of our trip
and that the process for the passport went well. Most of the
women dress in modern fashion. Many do cover their heads
with beautiful scarves. We have seen some women with
the full berkha dress, such as in the picture above.
Maddox holding Cyrus. He's been very concerned about
Cyrus not having enough toys to play with!
Grandad, Addi and Cyrus

Addi and Cyrus...She loves her little brother.

Cyrus in his little seat!

Matt playing with Addi and Maddox, while Cyrus watches.

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