Monday, May 4, 2009

Down on the Farm!

One beautiful April day, Kit and I went to the farm so that
he could feed the animals. It is always fun to see the horses
and the burros. The animals know Kit and they also know
that when he comes into the barn, he is going to give them
food! The burros love apples and are very disappointed
when no apples are given to them.

Kit walking toward the red barn.

Legend immediately came to the barn knowing that he was
going to get his special grain! He's so gentle and friendly.

There is a process when Kit feeds the horses. Legend has
to go into another part of the pasture to eat his food, or Lady
would eat it! Here, Cody is wondering why his food isn't in
the bucket!

Lady has to be put into a separate stall to eat because no
one else would get any food! She bites and scares the other
horses away so she can have their food.

Cody on the left and his mother, Lady, on the right.

Cody is in his special eating stall. It is incredible how
much he has grown!

Cody eating his grain. Also a close-up of the leader of the

The burros are looking for their apples, so they head to
the barn once they know that Kit has arrived. They are
such sweet animals!

Can we have some grain the horses?

Waiting patiently!

Oh well, no apples, no grain, just hay. Better than nothing!
The burros following Kit and the hay remind me of the
famous Pied Piper! No pipe, just hay!

Once Kit started the leaf blower to clean out the barn
floor, Cody ran out of the barn to wait for the quiet so
he could finish eating. But the noise certainly didn't
bother the Burro Leader!!!

The brick driveway and the front of the caboose.

Backside of the caboose from the pool area.

The beautiful chapel is reflected in the pond.

It was fun seeing the animals, then taking a walk around
this part of the farm. I'm so happy that Kit enjoys his

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