Saturday, May 16, 2009

Istanbul - Flying and Our First Day

On May 13th Kit and I flew out of the RDU International
Airport heading to a connector flight in London, England.
From London, we flew to Istanbul, Turkey.

Kit in the airplane ready for the trip.
Mary Ann is ready to see her family overseas!

Inside the big American Airlines plane.

We were warmly greeted with hugs from Addi and Maddox
as Matt brought them to the airport to meet us. Here are
Matt and Maddox on the bus that we rode in to the port
to catch a boat to cross the Bosphorus Strait, which divides
the city of Istanbul.
Addi on the bus!

Addi and Grandad. Maddox looking out the bus window.

Addi and Grandad looking at the water as we awaited our boat.

There are several of these big boats that move quickly
across the Bosphorus. This is public transportation.

Addi, Grandad and Maddox looking at the boat.

There are many seats in the boat and big windows to look
out and see many other boats of all sizes in the water.

Docking on the Asian side of the city where The Depps live.
Jenny met us here as we were side-tracked by a Turkish
shoeshiner who wanted to clean one piece of our luggage!
It had some kind of white mess on it from the flight.
The next day we went to the playground which you can
see from the window of The Depp apartment. It is really
nice for the children and has adult exercise equipment
also. Here is Addi enjoying the swing.

Our sweet and only granddaughter, Addi!

Fun on the see-saw!

Our boy Maddox!

Maddox loves his trucks and loves playing at the park.

Maddox and his Spiderman cap

The bubbles brought from The States were fun to blow
at the park.

More bubbles...

Entertaining Turkish friends with the bubbles. Addi was
so kind to share.

Friday night is pizza/movie night at The Depps.

Grandad and Maddox playing around in the living room.
Addi and Grandad playing indoor football!

This is the view out the living room window. Beyond the
parking lot is the playground where the kids love to play.
On Friday, Jenny and I took a taxi to the clinic/hospital
for her appointment with her doctor. Dr. Deniz is wonderful!
We walked home, stopping to buy bread, stopping at the
bank ATM, and a market for some groceries. It is normally
a 20 min. walk to Jenny's apartment. There are lots of
hills to climb!

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