Monday, May 4, 2009

The Gaither Concert

On Saturday evening, April 25, Kit, Mom and I met The
Parrott Family at the Greensboro Coliseum for The
Gaither Concert. The music was wonderful, we laughed
at the jokes and comical characters and enjoyed singing
along with many of the spiritual songs. The Lord was
definitely in that place with us!

Mom sang, clapped, shined her little flashlight that we were
given and enjoyed the concert. I'm so happy that she could
go with us!

Mom and I wearing our theme color...Hot Pink!
The Parrott Women in their Hot Pink! Betty, Carly and
Ashley. Laura was there in her Hot Pink too, but had
gone to the concession stand. Sorry that we didn't get
Laura in the picture. And where's Max and his pink
shirt and socks????
Bill and Gloria Gaither on the big screen
Gloria shared a wonderful poem
Michael English and Bill Gaither. Michael has an
incredible voice!
Michael English again
I think this is Signature Sound and they were great!
And here's the main one that we were waiting to see...

If we'd been closer, I would have other pictures besides
these on the big screen. But that is okay, we could hear
him and he was terrific! What a great voice!
We had a great time! Thank you Betty, my friend, for
inviting us to be with your family for this fun night.

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