Monday, May 4, 2009

Easter and Family 2009

And on the third day He rose...Praise the Lord
for His incredible, marvelous power and the
love that he has for us, His children!

Mamaw came to our house after working the morning at
the hospital. We were so happy that she could join us for
Easter lunch. Of course, she was the first one to get to
hold Turner!!!

What a precious, big brown-eyed boy!!! That thumb
tastes so sweet.
What a great looking couple! Matt and Kristen! Chloe, our
first-born grand-dog, couldn't make the trip to Gran and
Grandad's house!
Another good-looking couple! Adam and Melissa! Kiya,
our grand-dog, enjoyed running around in the yard and
resting in her crate on the deck. She really loved the ham
bone I gave her!
Matt, Kristen, Turner, Adam and Melissa joined Kit and
I for a morning worship service at First Lutheran. I knew
that Adam and Melissa would join us, but Matt, Kristen
and Turner gave me a wonderful surprise with their
presence!!! I held Turner the entire time! Sorry Pastor
Charlie, I'm not sure what the sermon was about, but I'm
guessing The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!
Here's a sleeping Turner as he arrived at Aunt Marilyn
and Uncle Ron's house for Easter lunch. He slept as the
rest of us ate a delicious lunch.
Mamaw has her food and is waiting on everyone else
before eating.
We all brought food to Marilyn's house and the spread
was wonderful! Check out Adam in this video!

Mom and Mary Ann - I love my Mom!
Mamaw and the guys - Matt, Kit and Adam

Lunch was so good! Kristen, Jodie, Katie and Jay

Melissa, Adam and Matt eating at the bar. There is no
telling what those conversations were about!!!

Uncle Joel and Uncle Ron - feeling full after the meal.

Mmmmm! Julie's delicious pie topped with fresh strawberries!

This pie was a hit with everyone!
Turner woke up and Aunt Marilyn came to the rescue!
Aunt Julie and others look on as Aunt Marilyn shares an
Easter surprise with Turner.

A bucket of goodies! Bath tub and beach toys! YEAH!
Great to chew on also.

Turner loved his card from Aunt Julie and Uncle Joel too.
It was fun to tear and to chew on also!

I'm a very busy boy!!!

Hi Gran! Yes, I will smile for your camera!

Look who has Turner again...Mamaw! And according to
Turner, that makes him happy!

Such a sweet boy! Happy Easter everyone!
He is risen indeed!!

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