Sunday, March 1, 2009

With Love to My Dad - James T. Staton

Friday, February 20, 2009 was a sad day for our family,
yet we rejoiced that Dad was in a better place. My Dad
passed from this world into God's Heaven at 10:15 am
after being sick for a long time. He had been blind for
almost twenty years and Mom took great care of him.
During the last ten months, I lived with Mom and Dad
most of the time as a caregiver for both of my parents.
We went to many appointments at the VA Clinic in W-S.
We went to appointments in High Point for Mom and
Dad. I took Dad for many of his radiation treatments
last summer. I'm so thankful that I could do this for
Mom and Dad. I was so sorry that they were sick, but
joyful that I could be there when they needed me. Now
our time here on earth with Dad is over, but we have many
memories that we keep in our hearts.

Dad loved to tell his stories and jokes. If he had an
audience, he often became the sole "entertainer" for the
guests. He had a great sense of humor and loved to make
others laugh. Sometimes, he wouldn't stop for others to
talk, therefore, Mom would say, "James, be still. Others
want to say something." We would all smile! For Christmas
one year, Matt, the oldest grandson, gave Papaw the hat
pictured above! We all enjoyed that and even Papaw got
a laugh out of it. Of course, this is Biblical scripture that
all of us need to remember!
This is a picture of Mom and Dad at our house for our
Christmas celebration in 2007.

Here is all of our immediate family at Matt and Kristen's
wedding in June 2007. Dad had struggled with walking
very far for a long time, so we wheeled him around. We
wheeled him for Matt, Jenny and Adam's college graduations.
I'm so happy that he could be there with pride for all of
them. We wheeled him at Jenny's wedding too. He couldn't
see what was happening at any of our family events, but he
did his best to listen (with the help of hearing aids) to what
was going on. We did our best to tell him what was happening

Dad loved all of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren
so much. Here he is holding Turner when he was only a
few days old in September 2008.

Matt, Kit, Turner and Papaw - September 2008

Turner's first out of town trip took him to Boone, NC. But
on the way home, he had to stop in Trinity for a visit.
Turner slept the entire visit, but Papaw had to hold him
and talk to him anyway. Turner is the youngest great
grandchild...until May! Then we add one more little boy!

Maddox and Addi are two more special great-grandchildren.
Here they are visiting with Mamaw and Papaw during
Christmas 2008.

Jenny, Addi and Maddox made one last visit to see Mamaw
and Papaw before leaving to return to Istanbul during their
January 2009 visit to the States. They are so thankful that
they came home and could see family.

This is Dad as we were dressing him warmly for his ride
to the pulmonary specialist. He was sick with pneumonia
and we didn't know it. He was so sick in January.

I had to take this picture of Dad in his black hooded jacket!
He always rode in the backseat due to no one being able
to get into the right side of the car in the garage. So I was
always chauffering him around in the big Park Avenue!
We laughed this particular day because it was cold and he
had the hood up to keep him warm. Doesn't he look like
a bandit or bank robber? We had fun talking about that!

Dad's funeral was simple, yet just right for him. The only
thing possibly needed would be a recording of him playing
his harmonica. Our cousin Neal sang "Amazing Grace" and
"How Great Thou Art" so beautifully. Elder Gaines said
just the right words. This picture is the marker at the
cemetery that Mom and Dad bought a long time ago. It
is lacking Dad's name and his birth/death date. That will
be there soon.

This is the spray that was on his casket. Dad couldn't see
during the last twenty years of his life, so when I ordered
this, I wanted lots of color, just for Dad.
We received numerous beautiful potted plants that we
are keeping. These are the beautiful wreathes that were
sent in memory of Dad. They were beautiful.
Dad, I miss you so much. I miss caring for you and hearing
you say "Thank you." I miss hearing you tell me "Mary
Ann, I don't know what I'd do without you." Dad, you
didn't have to find out and I'm grateful to have been
there to meet your needs. I just couldn't cure COPD,
cancer, nor cirrhosis of the liver. But we know that God
has given you a new body and you can SEE, WALK and
HEAR now. We celebrate your 90 years of life Dad with
lots of LOVE!

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