share this special feline once again along with one of her
special tricks! But first, let me share a really funny thing
that Daisy does. She will go to the den door waiting for you
to let her out, but when you open the door, she runs away.
She goes to the door two more times, teasing you, then goes
out the third time. Now when she wants back in, she does
one of two things. She may whine sitting at the top of the
steps waiting for someone to open the door. But if no one
hears her, she will climb up onto the handrailing of the steps
and knock on the door! I'm serious! She somehow makes
her paw hit the door to ask to be let back in the house! Mom,
Dad and I have laughed over that so many times.
Here is Daisy on the table in the den that sits between
Mom and Dad's matching recliners. This is not one of her
tricks, nor is it a favorite perch. I just captured her in a
special one-time moment. Daisy does have some favorite
places in the house. On top of the curio cabinet in the
Living Room is one of those. She jumps up on the seat of a
chair, then the back of the chair, then a big leap lands her
on top of the curio! The curio cabinet rocks from her
weight hitting it. But she sleeps there for long periods of time.
Daisy loves to go down into the basement too for long periods
of time. Her favorite place is under the stairwell where
Mom has stored...well, who knows what is under there!
Daisy likes something there because she will sleep there
for hours. But once she decides that it is time to come back
upstairs, she will stand at the top of the stairs and meow
over and over until someone hears her and opens the door.
The funniest trick is when Daisy is ready for a long nap in
a place that is very warm. I think she thinks that she is
hidden from anyone's view, but we all can see that big
hump under Mom's comforter! Somehow, Daisy jumps
and creeps under that comforter! One day when my
brother, Sherman, was painting Mom's den, he saw the
lump in Mom's bed. He asked Mom about it, and Mom
explained that it was Daisy. Sherman then petted her on
top of the comforter to see Daisy's reaction. She moved a
bit, but then kept on sleeping!
Here is another view of this silly, lovable cat enjoying the
comfort of Mom's bed. During the week that Dad was ill, no
longer home, and just after his passing, Daisy would go into
his room and we would hear a pitiful cry from her. She often would
sleep on the top of the covers with Dad. I know that she
has missed him so much. She was Dad's Daisy. But she has
realized that her new best friend is Mom. So typically
every night, she sleeps on top of the covers with Mom.
When I was there every night for awhile, she would often
visit me too. But she loves Mom, so she's Mom's Daisy now.
And Mom is happy to have Daisy around as her buddy.
I love the Daisy post!! Animals bring so much to our lives, and she is proof of that! Her smarts do not surprise me!
We love our animals, don't we Sherri!
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