Monday, March 2, 2009

Turner Makes Us Smile During a Sad Time

February 14, Valentine's Day, was a special day for many
people. It was extra special for us as Matt, Kristen and
Turner came to High Point Regional Hospital to visit
Mamaw and Papaw. It was a special day for Papaw to have
time with his oldest grandson.

Matt and Papaw discussed numerous things, but it was
mostly about P's baseball playing days of long ago. He was
ready to play for the Hi-Toms Team, when he received a
special letter from the government, an invitation to join
the ARMY! That ended P's dreams of playing baseball.
Mamaw, Kit, Matt, Kristen, Turner and I enjoyed lunch
at Ham's. Then returned to the hospital so Matt and
Kristen could visit with P some more. In this picture,
Mamaw and I are taking care of a sleeping Turner in the
hospital lobby downstairs. We couldn't take Turner up
to see his Great-Grandfather.

Mamaw and Turner...She loves her great-grandchildren!
Turner is a happy boy after his nap, giving us a sweet
smile. And that B does stand for BOONE!!!
Gran was being silly in taking a photo of herself and Turner!
Turner was wondering what was happening! Of course,
he loves his silly Gran!


Emily Cole said...

Hey Mary Ann! I didn't know you had a blog!!! I love it! Turner is such a cute little boy, great photos!

MABoone said...

I love blogging! After our trip to Niagara Falls last summer, I realized that blogging is the best way to quickly share pictures and info with family and friends.