Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jenny's Last Days in the States

Jenny could only be home with us for ten days. After
Mom's sickness and passing away, we knew that she
would be returning to Turkey on Saturday, June 20th.
On Friday after Mom's funeral, Matt and Turner returned
to Greensboro to have more time with Jenny and Cyrus.
We went to dinner at a favorite place, Tex and Shirley's.

Jenny is waiting on her pancakes! We missed Kristen, but
she was home with a friend and her two little ones who
were visiting from out of state.

Turner waited patiently for his pancakes too!

When they didn't come soon enough, the spoon became
a toy!

Then the toy keys! Where are my pancakes???? Our food
did arrive and we were ready. Turner had his first taste of
a pancake...without butter and syrup of course. He loved
the little pancake that his Dad shared with him.

Kit, Matt and Cyrus. Uncle Matt had to get in as much
holding time as possible with his newest nephew.
And Aunt Jenny had to get in her time with Turner too.

On the way back to our house, Turner just couldn't stay
awake. Look at those little feet crossed!

But Cyrus was wide awake!
Until the next day's trip to RDU, the airport. He slept
all the way there. And I enjoyed sitting in the back seat
with him!

Uncle Matt joined us at the airport too. As Jenny checked
in with Cyrus, the clerk offered Kit, Matt and I passes to
go to the gate with them. We were surprised, but very
happy about it. Here Uncle Matt, Grandad and Cyrus sit
as we awaited boarding time for the two Depps.

Uncle Matt and Cyrus...Turner nor Kristen could come
today. Turner had a birthday party to attend!

What a cute little baby boy!!! He was awake and ready
to board the plane for the long flight back to Turkey. He
missed his Dad, sister Addi and brother Maddox.

Grandad had to get his last holding of Cyrus in before
they called for the departure.
Jenny and Matt...They get along so much better now that
they are adults!!! We are blessed that all three of our
children get along so well.

Jenny, Matt, Kit and Cyrus at the airport.

Of course, Jenny suggested that Gran get into the picture
too. I usually get left out because I am usually taking the

Gran and Grandad in their last moments with Cyrus. It
was an emotional time. But letting them go was easier
knowing that they will be returning for their 6 month
stateside in early December! AND most importantly, it
was only right for Jenny and Cyrus to return to their
family in Istanbul. I know that they were ready for Mom
and Baby Cyrus to get back home with them. Home really
is being with your loved ones, your family, no matter where
that may be.

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