Monday, November 24, 2008

SNOW in Greensboro!!!!

After working in Little Rock, Arkansas all week at several different
schools, helping teachers, I returned home on Thursday night,
November 20th. Kit picked me up at the airport and we got home
some time after midnight. We had heard the weather forecast of
possible snow flurries. But never expected the ground to be
covered on Friday morning when we got up! No matter how old
I get, I still get excited when it snows!

One view from our front porch.

One of our newly planted trees in the front yard.

Another front porch view and you can see that the snow
didn't stick to the sidewalk nor the driveway. Travel was
not hindered by this dusting of snow.

SNOW! Always a pretty view from our back door.
Of course, the snow here is nothing compared to many other where Jenny, Matt, Addi and Maddox live!

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