Monday, November 24, 2008

Fun in Boone, North Carolina!

On Saturday, November 15 Kit and I headed to the hills, to Boone
to see Adam, Melissa and those 2008 Southern Conference
Football Champions - The Appalachian State Mountaineers! First
of all, we enjoyed spending some time with Kiyah, watching Adam
lead her into doing her tricks for a treat! She's gotten so big, but what
a sweet dog!

Look at those ears! Perfect!

Love the sit, lay down, handshake, and high five! She's a
wonder dog!!!

After lunch at Our Daily Bread (Mmmmm!), we headed to the game.
The stands were full and there were people all over the hill too.
It was windy, cold, raining, freezing rain, snow flurries... you name it!
But when we first arrived at the stadium, we had blue skies and a
rainbow!!!! Beautiful!

We enjoyed meeting Melissa's parents at the game.

You can see the new addition on the west side of the stadium.
It isn't complete yet, but will be really nice when it is.

We sat on the east side and struggled to find seats. But with
the inclement weather, some people didn't stay for the
whole game. Additional seats have been added to this side
of the stadium also. With 3 National Championships, more
people want to see the Mountaineers play. Will there be a
4-peat this year? GO APPALACHIAN!!!!

Kit and Mary Ann, all bundled up trying to stay warm and dry!

Adam and Melissa, trying to stay warm too!

Go Mountaineers! Beat Elon!

And they did win the game!

The band did their thing, entertaining everyone.

The ASU Band with another great half-time show.

Welcome to the ROCK!!!!

Great view!

We were so cold and left before the end of the 3rd quarter.
We listened to the end of the game on the radio. We really
enjoyed having some time with our Boone children. :-)

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