Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Turner Kail Boone's Birth - September 23, 2008

What a very special day for us! Matt called us at 4:30 this morning to say that he was driving Kristen to the hospital. They had been up since 12:30 am dealing with contractions. At 4:30 those contractions were 5 minutes apart. Matt said that he would give us another call later with an update, to make sure that they really were having the baby today. So we waited and got the call a little later. Kit and I were then off to Raleigh for the day. We arrived at Rex Hospital to be greeted by David Vasbinder, Kristen's father, and Zach Vasbinder, Kristen's brother, in the lobby of The Family Birth Center. We then went upstairs to Room 232 to see Kristen and Matt. We met Sally, Kristen's mother, in the hallway. She shared that things were moving along for Kristen. We went into the room, talked with Kristen and Matt briefly. She needed to rest and we didn't want to be in the way. As the day moved along, Sally and I periodically checked on Kristen. The four grandparents waited patiently in the lobby for the news of Turner's birth. Finally, just a few minutes after 3:00 pm, Matt called me to say that they had a healthy baby boy!!! He weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19 in. long. I could hear the baby crying in the background, showing off his great lung power! Then we waited and waited to see our new little grandson. The time finally arrived with a phone call from Matt! They had gone through the checklist with the baby and also moved all of them into Room 210. So at last the four grandparents together went to see our newest family member. Matt was videoing us as we came into the room to see Turner Kail Boone in his mother's arms. Oh what a wonderful feeling! Kristen looked so beautiful and Turner was so precious! He's a beautiful, perfect, healthy boy! We had fun taking turns holding this little angel, a miracle of God's creation. He has a head of hair and big eyes! He was so alert and looking around. He wimpered a little, but for the most part, was so quiet and so good! Please enjoy the pictures below of our newest family member!
Kristen and Turner - Love them both!
What a sweet baby boy!
Proud Dad - Matt
Proud Grandad Boone
So sweet and perfect!
Proud Gran!
A big yawn! Turner worked hard today!
"I'm trying to keep my eyes open!"

One eye open, trying to go to sleep!
Long fingers and long feet!
Sally - Proud Grandmother!
David - Proud Grandfather!
Sleeping in Grandad's arms - so precious!
Those cute little hands.

Today was the first day of this little boy's life. He has already brought so much joy, and will bring so much more. Thank you God for a healthy baby boy and that his mother is doing well too. More pictures forthcoming!


JaclynJohnson said...

What exciting news!!! That is so wonderful to hear! Please tell Matt and Kristen I am so happy for them all.

MABoone said...

We are so truly blessed by our God!