Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Little Rock Job Assignment...

I returned to Little Rock to work once again as a literacy
consultant/coach this past week. I have three schools where
I work with six teachers and three literacy coaches. They
are wonderful people and I've had a great time working
with them. The students are lots of fun too and very
cooperative. I look forward to returning two more times
to help the teachers.

Maumelle Middle is just one of my schools. It is a fairly
new school, a large building with about 700-800 students.

Here is the front entrance of Maumelle Middle. It is such
a long school that I couldn't get it all to fit within the camera!

The literacy coach took a few pictures in one of the
classrooms. This is a 6th grade science class and the
students are really smart.

MAB in action! The students were so cooperative.

This science lesson on simple machines went well. The
students were learning how to use Fix-Up Strategies, a
clarification skill needed when you read. They loved
the term 'clunks', used when your reading isn't smooth
due to unknown vocabulary.
I am enjoying my retirement and this part-time job
so much. I'm grateful for my teaching career and all
that I learned or experienced. Now, I can use all of
that experience and knowledge to help other teachers.
It is so much fun preparing the customized lessons, then
presenting them. I feel blessed with this opportunity and
more blessed that Betty and I get to travel together!

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