Saturday, December 13, 2008

David Phelps Concert!!! What a Voice!

On Sunday evening, December 7th, my great friend, Betty
Parrott, her youngest daughter Carly and I traveled to
Concord to a church for a concert. Betty's older daughter,
Ashley, and her friend, Laura, met us there. Below you
see us waiting outside the door waiting to get inside. It
was cold, but we had a good time being together.
Below, you see the girls all decked out in their royal blue!
Laura and Ashley glittered-it-up just for the concert!
Laura, Carly and Ashley - Beautiful girls, inside and out!
Here is Ashley again!
Here is Carly!

Here are the Glistening for God Gals! MA and Betty
And here is David Phelps! He has an incredible voice and
we absolutely enjoyed every song he sang. His voice is
a true gift from God.

Do you see the clear sound 'cage' behind the bass guitar
player? It is located up on the stand in front of the drummer.
I'm sure that there is a technical name for it. But during the
second song of the night, this thing started falling backwards
toward the drummer! It was funny because even as it was
slipping, falling, the group finished the song! The drummer
didn't quit!

The violinist was wonderful!

David not only sang, but played the keyboard for a few songs.

On the left is David's sister and she has a beautiful voice too.
On the right is David's brother-in-law. His name is
Jack Daniels!!!! He was very talented as he could sing and
play numerous instruments.

We had a great time singing, laughing and praising God for
so many blessings. Listening to Phelps sing some of those
wonderful well-known Christmas songs was a blessing.
Listening to him sing songs from his latest CD was great too.
I'm so thankful that my friend Betty invited me to go!


JaclynJohnson said...

What's the significance of royal blue??

MABoone said...

The royal blue...just the color of the night chosen by the girls! We had to have a color theme just to add to the fun!