Saturday, December 13, 2008

Betty and Mary Ann Back in Little Rock, Arkansas...Again!

Betty and I headed back to Little Rock, Arkansas on
Monday, December 8th for more coaching work with
our teachers. We flew out of Greensboro arrived in
Memphis, to make our connecting flight to Little Rock.
We had to rush to get our luggage, our rental cars and
check into our motel. But we arrived in time for our
6:30 Arkansas Queen Riverboat Dinner Cruise with
Christmas Carols. We had a good buffet meal, enjoyed
the company of others, the music, the laughter and the
ride up the Arkansas River.

This is the entrance ramp to get onto the riverboat. It was
decorated with lights as was the boat.

It was dark by the river dock, but you can see the riverboat
all decorated with the lights for the season.

Here's Betty before we had a great dinner.

Here is Mary Ann, hungry and ready to eat!

The boat was decorated inside for the holiday season.

There was a bar, but I didn't see anyone buying. There
was a group aboard from a nearby Baptist Church, a group
from a Seniors Home and some other smaller groups.

The Arkansas River Rats entertained us. They were really
good too. They sang the wonderful familiar Christmas carols
and songs. They also sang requested secular songs. They
were funny and talented. We enjoyed singing with them.
Betty and I were the 'back-up singers' for Blue Christmas
with our 'do-do-do-do-do' rhythm!!!!

Even though it was cold, we had to take a stroll on deck
after dinner. The wind was blowing, but it wasn't too bad.
It was too dark for taking pictures, but I tried! You cannot
see the water below.

Here you can see some of the lights along the shore.

And of course, here are the red paddles making the boat
move along the river. It was lots of fun and helped
Betty and I to continue enjoying the Christmas Season.
We also had a great time enjoying another concert on
Wed. night...Mannheim Steamroller!! For many years
I have enjoyed the interestingly different Christmas
music of this group. At last I was able to watch them
perform live on stage! The Robinson Center Auditorium
is beautiful and the sound/light effects of the concert were
incredible. Watching the musicians move from instrument
to instrument was incredible. They all play numerous
instruments with perfection to create those great sounds.

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