Sunday, January 25, 2009

Riding Grandad's Tractor

Another treat for Addi and Maddox was riding with Grandad on his lawn-mowing tractor. Maddox loved asking if they could ride the "green tractor" (Gator down at the farm) or the yellow tractor (the one here for mowing).

Addi, Maddox and Grandad

The sun was really bright this day. It was a treat for both
children to be able to go outside without having to bundle
up, put on boots, hats, scarves and hats. Our big yard
provided a great place for them to play. Jenny and Matt
could let them go outside to play by themselves, checking
on them periodically. What a difference from where they
live in Russia with the high-rise apartments. Of course,
Addi and Maddox love the playgrounds that are there!

Grandad and Maddox on the "yellow tractor."

Grandad and Maddox take off for a ride around the house!

Addi wearing Gran's sunglasses!

Addi's turn to ride the tractor with Grandad.

Jenny and I found two riding toys at a consignment shop.
Addi and Maddox had a great time riding on the driveway,
sidewalk and in the yard.

The one that Addi is riding made all kinds of motorcycle
noises. This is the one that they both preferred to ride.
So it was always a rush to see who could get to it first!
Maddox struggled with the pedaling at first, but then
once he caught on, he was all over the place riding!

The Depp Kids in action!

We had so much fun playing with Addi and
Maddox while they were visiting our home.
We hope that they enjoyed it just as much!

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